What is industrial ethernet ?
- With the advancement of modern technology , there is an urgent need for Ethernet technology in the field of automation , but traditional Ethernet technology is not suitable for direct application in industrial automation .
- Industrial Ethernet is based on commercial Ethernet IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet), material selection , product strength , applicability , real-time , interoperability , reliability , anti-interference , intrinsic safety , etc, have been further improved to make it more suitable for industrial automation applications and compatible with traditional commercial networks , and interconnected with it to realize remote control from the office to the production equipment .
- CANopen ,Devicenet ,PROFIBUS ,INTERBUS ,PROFINET ,ETHERCAT ,Sercos ,Varan ,SFC-interface ,CC-Link and other protocols .

In order to be used in harsh industrial environments and ensure the safety and reliability of industrial applications, Industrial Ethernet has the following requirements:
- 10/100M adaptive transmission rate
- Stable and reliable, high communication rate
- Ensure fast field cabling installations with Fast Connect with RJ45 , industrial-grade Sub-D and dedicated shielded cables
- Fast response , real-time communication
- Strong anti-interference ability
- Waterproof , vibration protect , and anti-corrosion performance
In order to adapt to the application of Industrial Ethernet, the M12 connector must meet the above requirements .
What is M12 ethernet cable connector ?
Waterproof circular cable connector with one end M12 plug , other other end with RJ45 connector .
CAZN have various M12 ethernet cable connector suitable for industrial ethernet
- Overmolded cable or cable assembly type
- Stright plug or right angled
- A coded 4 pin , 5 pin , 8 pin
- B coded 5 pin
- D coded 4 pin
- X coded 8 pin
- M12 RJ45 adapter , A coded 4 pin , 8 pin , D coded 4 pin , X coded 8 pin
- Various M12 sockets for industrial ethernet , front / back / PCB mount , staright , right angled

Advantage Of CAZN M12 ethernet cable connector
- Compatible with big brands
- 360 degree full shieled , strong anti-interference ability , ensure data is secure and ready for transmission
- Shielded high flexible twisted pair towline cable
- Gold plated contact , antioxidant high transmission rate
- IP67 waterproof , meet harsh industrial environment requirements
M12 connector and Industrial Ethernet wiring protocol
M12 A Coded 8 Pin Connector To Ethernet Wiring

M12 X Coded 8 Pin Connector To Ethernet Wiring

M12 A Coded 4 Pin Connector To Ethernet Wiring

M12 D Coded 4 Pin Connector To Ethernet Wiring

M12 A Coded 5 Pin Connector To CANopen Wiring

M12 A Coded 5 Pin Connector To Devicenet Wiring

M12 B Coded 5 Pin Connector To Devicenet Wiring

M12 B Coded 5 Pin Connector To PROFIBUS Wiring

M12 B Coded 5 Pin Connector To INTERBUS Wiring

M12 D coded 4 Pin EtherCAT Sercos Cable Wiring

M12 D coded 4 Pin EtherCAT Sercos Cable Wiring (2)

M12 A Coded 4 Pin Connector To SFC-interface Cable Wiring

M12 A Coded 4 Pin Connector To CC-Link Cable Wiring